GraphMind is a mindmap editor for Drupal. It has the basic mindmap features and some Drupal specific enhancement. You can see a demo of Graphmind in action at
1 Mar 2019 Discover our top 15 Drupal 8 Modules for 2019 that will not only will give you a clean interface for repeatedly adding file downloads. the template wrapper through Drupal user interface, no need to edit the template itself. Use Drupal 8 on Lando for local development; powered by Docker and Docker use composer, drush, drupal console, xdebug and custom config files, oh and also import init \ --source remote \ --remote-url Create or edit the relevant settings.php file and add these lines. 27 Jul 2012 The ability to add the file for download is not standard for either the Article or Basic Enabling a file download field is fairly simple and done via the Drupal 7 admin Now, when you decide to add or edit content for that content type (Basic WordPress · Joomla 3 · Drupal 8 · WooCommerce · E-Commerce The Apigee Edge module enables you to integrate a Drupal 8 with Apigee Edge. New pull request. Find file. Clone or download .editorconfig · Editor config added. 2 years ago .gitattributes · GH: Identify Drupal specific file types as PHP. 10 May 2019 to be available to download after the user fills out a f. This is easily achievable in Drupal 8 with the Webform and Token modules. if you are creating your form via the yml editor, but provides a nice UI to generate and configure our form elements. Token is going to get the gated file URL and name. The Memsource Translation Plugin for TMGMT supports both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. It can be used to translate all Drupal text elements supported by the
Drupal è stato installato come VirtualHost nella sottodirectory drupal/. Per attivare i clean URLs (vedere anche questo articolo), si aggiunge questa sezione in nel file del VirtualHost (contenuto nella directory /etc/apache2/sites… Drupal 8 has greatly improved editor experience out-of-the-box. It comes shipped with CKEditor for Wysiwyg editing. Although, D8 ships with a custom build of CKEditor and it may not have the plugins that you would like to have or that your… Step 1: Know your environment I used Drupal 8.2.7 for this blog post demonstration. You need to find out which CKEditor version your Drupal is using in order to download the appropriate version of the plugin. Integrates CKEditor's Upload Image plugin to Drupal. This enables Drupal's default Wysiwyg text editor capable of uploading images that were dropped or pasted from clipboard into the editor as inline image. CKEditor CodeMirror module adds syntax highlighting for "Source View" in CKEditor Wysiwyg editor using CKEditor CodeMirror Plugin. Drupal 8 Important NOTE: See the 8.x-2.0 release notes before upgrading from 8.x-1.x to 8.x-2.x, as there… Extend and customize Drupal functionality with contributed modules. If a module doesn't quite do what you want it to do, if you find a bug or have a suggestion, then join forces and help the module maintainer. I added my theme css using the following in the *.info.yml: ckeditor_stylesheets: - css/style.css While updating the css/style.css I found that my changes wasn't reflecting into the Wysiwyg editor.
Sets up Sublime Text editor for Drupal development - enzolutions/sublime-drupal Rock-solid, free Wysiwyg editor with collaborative editing, 200+ features, full documentation and support. Join Microsoft, Mozilla, Adobe and 20k+ other companies. As of December 2019[update], the Drupal community comprised more than 1.39 million members, including 117,000 users actively contributing, resulting in more than 44,000 free modules that extend and customize Drupal functionality, over 2,800… Theme Editor offers an interface for for the editing of theme files within a Drupal site. Some of the features include: Editing of CSS, .info, and Template Files Simple back up and restore functions Adding and deleting of files Fine tuned… If your installation of Drupal requires this, edit ckeditor.config.js and uncomment the relevant line. Insert is a utility that makes inserting images and links to files into the body field and other Wysiwyg editors or text areas much easier by adding a simple JavaScript-based button and optional controls to file and image fields. This module adds a setting to file fields to support selecting the method handling when a file already exists with the same name as the uploaded file. The options are: Rename the file (this is the default value and the default behaviour of…
Flmngr file manager adds to your CKEditor an ability to upload files, work with directories and embed images to the content, archive and download files from the server, and many other functions you expect to find in a file manager. Extend and customize Drupal functionality with contributed modules. If a module doesn't quite do what you want it to do, if you find a bug or have a suggestion, then join forces and help the module maintainer. Problem/Motivation This is a follow-up to [#2994702]. Right now there is no way for a user to set the view mode without the 'source' button enabled in the CKEditor. Right now, one must 1) Press source. Documentation for contributed modules for Drupal 8. See the list of contributed modules for Drupal 8 here, ranked by number of actively installed instances. See "Creating custom modules" for developer info. This module is an extension to the CKEditor module. It also supports CKEditor installed through the Wysiwyg module. This module helps you replace the default Image plugin that comes with CKEditor with the new Enhanced Image plugin, which…
21 Oct 2013 At some point installing WYSIWYG module and adding an editor role just then download the third party WYSIWYG files from another website. The default installation profile of Drupal 8 the editor configures your site for